Asking for help is a sign of strength.

Albert Einstein is remembered as saying, “In the middle of a difficulty, lies opportunity”. If you are looking for guidance with grief and loss, anxiety, fear, depression, relationship issues with family or friends, and/or the resolution of past or current problems, please feel free to contact me. We all need support at times and admitting this is the first step toward achieving the success you deserve.  By working together, we can use the challenges you face as opportunities for that success.

Please contact me to schedule a free initial consultation.

941-929-6389     |     Send Email

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I look forward to helping you take the first step toward becoming more of who you really are and want to be.

The Benefits of Therapy


Psychotherapy can be an effective tool in providing you with the necessary support and training to overcome the challenges you face. By seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility and instigating action to change what no longer works in your life.

As an experienced licensed professional counselor, I will utilize a variety of approaches to assist you and with honesty and compassion we will work toward your goals – with you in the lead and at your pace.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

– Nido Qubein